2 Replies Latest reply on Feb 20, 2003 11:13 PM by bjnew

    "people & faces"


      fellow JBossers...

      imho, the "people & faces" thing works when first visiting the site, e.g. on home page, but could be removed from the forums pages (etc).

      i mean, it gives you a better impression of the OS nature of JBoss at first, but we dont need it hammered into us once we're already using the software. seeing the same pics of the same ppl for the 10th time is a bit, er, tacky..

      also the number of ads per page is just a little over the top...

      anyway thats just what i reckon...


      p.s. keep up the good work guys :-)

        • 1. Re: "people & faces"

          I saw another website that offered to remove advertisement for like $4.95 a month or something.

          will you pay that? we are going with nukes and in nukes we can control the layout so you can give you rights to minimize the blocks you don't want.


          • 2. Re: "people & faces"


            I only really use the site once in a while, so I probably wouldn't pay that. But as a regular user (say at least a few times a week), that would definitely be quite attractive.

            Controlling block size doesn't really solve the problem I have with the ads though - the time they take to load. I reckon the ads take 3-4 times longer than the rest of the page, making what should be (for me, low-end ADSL) a 1/2 second wait into a 2 second+ wait.
