1 Reply Latest reply on May 26, 2003 12:03 PM by jlward4

    Why Standards?


      I found this article on TSS, but wanted to have a Rolf-less conversation. Since I haven't setup www.TheBetterSide.com yet, here we go!

      Such standards didn't start out in a standards body. They started out solving problems. Because they solved the problems, people used them. The use drove the standard, not the other way around. This allows innovation, this allows technical progress. Things that work get used by people who are trying to solve problems.

      This guy hit the nail on the head. The reason why JBoss is the standard is because it solves people's problems. Great work JBoss!!!

      BTW: Can you believe that the author of this article works for Sun?

        • 1. Re: Why Standards?

          Yesterday Jim posted a response to much of the feedback he had received.

          Why Standards, Part Deux

          Such an industry is ripe for harvesting by some company (probably a small one) taking over by introducing something that is really innovative.

          Marc, Did you pay this guy to write this? ;) He says that he is not talking about one group in particular, but so much of what he says is about JBoss. And he works for Sun. Interesting.