0 Replies Latest reply on Aug 6, 2003 2:41 AM by venko

    Jboss javapetstore reference implementation


      Here is the problem.
      I am deploying the petsore1.1.2 reference application on jboss3.0.4
      The deployment is smooth after I made the required changes.
      When I click the category link (say Fish or Dog. Etc)
      It calls productcategory.jsp page.
      This page uses a JSP tag j2ee as
      <%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/tlds/taglib.tld" prefix="j2ee" %>
      <h3>This is a test text given in productcategory.jsp........</h3>
      <j2ee:productList numItems="4" category='<%=request.getParameter("category_id")%>'>

      If I remove the j2ee:productList tag it is working properly.
      But if I put the tag j2ee,the page is not coming. No errors or exceptions on the console.
      I tried following tricks
      Made a jar with all the classes for tag library and put the jar in /WEB-INF/lib
      In web.xml
      I added following lines


      Put the taglib.tld in WEB-INF and a copy of it in WEB-INF/tlds/taglib.tld

      I ensured in the target war file the required files and jars are available.
      Noting has worked.
      Any clue what is going wrong.
      Obviously the tag library classes is not found by class loader.But why and where is the problem??