1 Reply Latest reply on Oct 12, 2005 10:01 AM by slaboure

    Oberg not involved in original JBoss?


      I just read an article on CNET here http://news.com.com/JBoss+denies+running+a+trademark+monopoly/2100-7344_3-5893015.html?tag=nefd.top that quotes Sacha Labourey as saying "When Fleury later started JBoss, Oberg was no longer involved." This isn't consistent with my memory. I first started with JBoss in 2000, and Rickard peronsally answered several of my questions. I thought he did the original work on the dynamic stubs, and the search button above still finds several references to Rickard's contributions.

      What's the intent of this revisionist history? I not trying to start a war here, I think JBoss is great and was personally responsible for bringing it into my organization, where it continues to fulfill a critical role in our runtime platform. I just don't like to see the hard work of people discredited.