2 Replies Latest reply on Nov 18, 2005 10:16 PM by itking

    JBOSS on AIX very slow...


      Greetings. We purchased an application from a Vendor that runs through jboss as. The vendor said the program worked under AIX, but it's intolerably slow. We installed the same application on a windows 2003 server and it's more than twice as fast. We noticed strange thing on AIX. We purchased 2 GB of extra memory for the AIX machine just for the app server. The application takes 95 MB of memory to first load, then about 20MB for each user. When we start it in AIX, it loads everything into paging space, none of the application resides in memory. On windows everything loads into memory and stays there. It doesn't matter what Xms or Xmx settings we use the same thing happens. What kinds of settings should we check in AIX? Anyone have any ideas or hints?

      I haven't seen jboss before this, so if I'm missing any pertient info please let me know.
      The Vitals:
      AIX - JAVA - build caix64142-20050929
      JBOSS - 3.2.1
      Tomcat - 4.1.24
      Dual 1.6 Ghz processors
      6 GB memory
      Java Opts - -Xss512k -Xms512m -Xmx2048m -Dprogram.name=Djava.awt.headless=true -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true

      Windows - Sun JAVA
      JBOSS - 3.2.1
      Tomcat 4.1.24
      Dual 1.6 Ghz processors
      2 GB memory
      Java Opts - -Xss512k -Xms512m -Xmx2048m -Dprogram.name=Djava.awt.headless=true

        • 1. Re: JBOSS on AIX very slow...

          Dear all,
          I run jboss-4.0 in IBM-AIX hava this errors please help me?
          $ run.sh

          JBoss Bootstrap Environment

          JBOSS_HOME: /home/java/Jboss/jboss-4.0.2

          JAVA: /usr/java5_64/bin/java

          JAVA_OPTS: -server -Xms128m -Xmx128m -Dprogram.name=run.sh

          CLASSPATH: /home/java/Jboss/jboss-4.0.2/bin/run.jar:/usr/java5_64/lib/tools.ja


          JVMJ9VM007E Command-line option unrecognised: -server
          Could not create the Java virtual machine.

          Usage: java [-options] class [args...]
          (to execute a class)
          or java [-jar] [-options] jarfile [args...]
          (to execute a jar file)

          where options include:
          -cp -classpath <directories and zip/jar files separated by :>
          set search path for application classes and resources
          set a system property
          enable verbose output
          -version print product version
          require the specified version to run
          -showversion print product version and continue
          -jre-restrict-search | -no-jre-restrict-search
          include/exclude user private JREs in the version search
          load native agent library , e.g. -agentlib:hprof
          see also, -agentlib:jdwp=help and -agentlib:hprof=help
          load native agent library by full pathname
          load Java programming language agent, see java.lang.instrument
          -? -help print this help message
          -X print help on non-standard options
          -assert print help on assert options


          • 2. Re: JBOSS on AIX very slow...

            Dear all,
            I run jboss-4.0 in IBM-AIX hava this errors please help me?
            $ run.sh

            JBoss Bootstrap Environment

            JBOSS_HOME: /home/java/Jboss/jboss-4.0.2

            JAVA: /usr/java5_64/bin/java

            JAVA_OPTS: -server -Xms128m -Xmx128m -Dprogram.name=run.sh

            CLASSPATH: /home/java/Jboss/jboss-4.0.2/bin/run.jar:/usr/java5_64/lib/tools.ja


            JVMJ9VM007E Command-line option unrecognised: -server
            Could not create the Java virtual machine.

            Usage: java [-options] class [args...]
            (to execute a class)
            or java [-jar] [-options] jarfile [args...]
            (to execute a jar file)

            where options include:
            -cp -classpath <directories and zip/jar files separated by :>
            set search path for application classes and resources
            set a system property
            enable verbose output
            -version print product version
            require the specified version to run
            -showversion print product version and continue
            -jre-restrict-search | -no-jre-restrict-search
            include/exclude user private JREs in the version search
            load native agent library , e.g. -agentlib:hprof
            see also, -agentlib:jdwp=help and -agentlib:hprof=help
            load native agent library by full pathname
            load Java programming language agent, see java.lang.instrument
            -? -help print this help message
            -X print help on non-standard options
            -assert print help on assert options
