1 Reply Latest reply on Mar 17, 2003 4:10 PM by pmccombs

    WSDL2Java sources: Strange compiler error


      I managed to get a web service deployed in jboss-net. Now I am using WSDL2Java on that service to generate all of my client side stubs. When I compile a client against this, I get a strange error, and was wondering if anyone has seen this before:

      [javac] /home/peter/workspace/CicEnterprise/src/generated/client/localhost/UserFacadeServiceSoapBindingStub.java:34: cannot resolve symbol
      [javac] symbol : method getMessage ()
      [javac] location: class java.lang.ClassNotFoundException
      [javac] Class beansf = org.apache.axis.encoding.ser.BeanSerializerFactory.class;
      [javac] ^
      [javac] Fatal Error: Unable to locate method getMessage

      This is in the generated SoapBindingStub.java on the following line:

      Class beansf = org.apache.axis.encoding.ser.BeanSerializerFactory.class;

      What does getMessage() have to do with it?

        • 1. Re: WSDL2Java sources: Strange compiler error

          I figured out what this is.

          When I used Axis to generate my client stubs (WSDL2Java), it generates new packages for every type used by the web service.

          So, for example, WSDL2Java created a new java.lang package with only the relevant types in it for the service.

          Because of this, the compiler uses the generated java.lang package instead of the full java.lang package, and I get funny errors.

          The solution was to remove the generated types that I didn't need, since I already have access to them anyway.