0 Replies Latest reply on Apr 18, 2004 5:34 PM by vbatista

    Exporting PK classes with JBoss.net

      I am having problems to export, as JBoss.net WS methods, SessionBean methods which return objects automatically generated by XDoclet.
      I am generating VO classes, which I extend. For instance, XDoclet generates class UserData, and I generate the class User which extends UserData. If I mark the User class with:

      @jboss-net.xml-schema urn="Users:User"

      Everything works fine. Although I have one problem which is the Primary Key class generated by XDoclet: UserPK. XDoclet automatically generates the getPrimaryKey() method on UserData which returns a UserPK object. If I don't delete this method manually from UserData, I get a serializer not found for UserPK:
      faultString: java.io.IOException: No serializer found for class test.UserPK in registry org.apache.axis.encoding.TypeMappingImpl@b5b80

      I can see two solutions for my problem (besides deleting getPrimaryKey() methods manually), but I'm having problems to get them working:
      1) Force <dataobject task to don't generate the getPrimaryKey() method on UserData. How can I do this?
      2) Using XDoclet merge points, insert the @jboss-net.xml-schema urn="Users:UserPK" tag automatically at the start of the UserPK.java file. After, execute the <jbossnet task over PK classes. Using the <entitypk merge point, I can only insert things at the end of the file. I'm inserting the following line at the end of UserPK.java:
      * @jboss-net.xml-schema urn="Users:UserPK"
      Although, this line should be at the start of the file, but the merge point don't allow me to do that.

      Can any one help me please?
      Any help would be welcome. Thanks in advance,
      Victor Batista