1 2 Previous Next 21 Replies Latest reply on Feb 24, 2011 9:10 PM by evaldo.junior Go to original post
      • 15. Re: Calendar and ajax

        wrap the calendar with:

        <a4j:outputPanel layout="none">

        • 16. Re: Calendar and ajax

          oh, I see one more details. Why you try to re-render itself, if you want to re-render the calendar? Say reRender="supplierShipDate" instead.

          What is the scope for #{pcnRequest} ?

          • 17. Re: Calendar and ajax

            Ok, if I understood you right the code should look something like:

             <a4j:form id="landingForm">
             <h:panelGroup id="supplierInfo" columns="2">
             <h:selectOneRadio id="initiator" value="#{pcnRequest.qctSupplier}">
             <a4j:support event="onclick"
             reRender="supplierInfo" />
             <f:selectItem id="initiator1" itemLabel="QCT" itemValue="false" />
             <f:selectItem id="initiator2" itemLabel="QCT Supplier"
             itemValue="true" />
             <a4j:outputPanel layout="none">
             <rich:calendar id="supplierShipDate" popup="true" width="100%"
             value="#{pcnRequest.supplierShipDate}" datePattern="dd-MMM-yy"
             style="width:200px" enableManualInput="true">

            To answer your questions, I must reRender the panel grid in order for the rich:calendar to show. Also, note that I am using Spring Web Flow so the scope of pcnRequest is "flowScope" which means that the backing bean lives as long as the flow (session) is alive. You can sort of think of it as "session" scope except it is managed by SWF.

            • 18. Re: Calendar and ajax

              Just to rule out that Spring Web Flow might be the issue, I created the same app with straight JSF, using MyFaces 1.2.2. This yields the same results. I can send a sample if you wish to look further.

              Please let me know...my boss is killin' me over this!


              • 19. Re: Calendar and ajax

                The issue is resolved by not using MyFaces and using the reference implementation. Hope that may be help to others.

                • 20. Re: Calendar and ajax


                  I'm using RichFaces 3.2.0.GA.
                  I'm trying to create an HtmlCalendar dynamically but i have got this javascript error when i click on the button to show the popup.

                  Erreur : Prototype.Browser has no properties
                  Fichier source : http://www.xxxx.fr/faces/rfRes/org/ajax4jsf/framework.pack.js
                  Ligne : 903

                  Here is the fragment of framework.pack.js :

                  Line 1 :
                  var Prototype={Version:"1.6.0",Browser:{IE:!!(window.attachEvent&&!window.opera),Opera:!!window.opera,WebKit:navigator.userAgent.indexOf("AppleWebKit/")>-1,Gecko:navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Gecko")>-1&&navigator.userAgent.indexOf("KHTML")==-1,MobileSafari:!!navigator.userAgent.match(/Apple.*Mobile.*Safari/)},BrowserFeatures:{XPath:!!document.evaluate,ElementExtensions:!!window.HTMLElement,SpecificElementExtensions:document.createElement("div").__proto__&&document.createElement("div").__proto__!==document.createElement("form").__proto__},ScriptFragment:"<script[^>]*>([\\S\\s]*?)<\/script>",JSONFilter:/^\/\*-secure-([\s\S]*)\*\/\s*$/,emptyFunction:function(){},K:function(A){return A

                  Line 903 :


                  I'm using Firefox

                  Any Ideas ?



                  • 21. Re: Calendar and ajax

                    in rich calendar as it will catch a bean the value clicked on the cell of the calendar.

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