1 Reply Latest reply on Oct 10, 2006 2:16 AM by wmprice

    Hints need:


      Hi All!

      I tried to deploy Jackrabbit on JBoss with JCA, using "JackrabbitOnJBoss" (http://wiki.apache.org/jackrabbit/JackrabbitOnJBoss)

      I took from SVN the latest sources of Jackrabbit, rebuilt it by Maven and did all steps from aforementioned instruction. Unfortunately, I always get

      org.jboss.deployment.DeploymentException: couldn't get oldRarDeployment! jboss.jca:service=RARDeployment,name='jackrabbit-jca-1.1-SNAPSHOT.rar'; - nested throwable: (org.jboss.deployment.DeploymentException: ConnectionDefinition 'javax.jcr.Session' not found in rar 'jackrabbit-jca-1.1-SNAPSHOT.rar')

      I use JBoss AS 4.0.4.GA with the EJB 3.0 profile selected using the JEMS installer (for JBoss Seam).

      Can anybody help me in this issue? Thank you in advance.

      Best regards.

        • 1. Re: Hints need:

          Most likely JackRabbit is relying on the javax.jcr.* classes that are not deployed to JBoss by default. They don't seem to be included in the JackRabit RAR as well. JackRabbit defines this as it's connection-defintion. Since we can't find it, we can't create the connection.

          Verify where these classes are supposed to exist in the JackRabbit documentation. There is usually one of two places:

          1) The server/lib directory
          2) Inside the RAR