8 Replies Latest reply on Sep 18, 2007 11:20 AM by maksimkaszynski

    richToolbar and redirect


      Hello guys,
      I have used toolBar component for my menu but I have a problem with it.
      The problem occurs when page is navigated without tag.
      This is my navigation rule.


      When user enters agreement.jsf page the toolBar component is not working correctly. The drop down menu doesn't show when mouse cursor is over it.
      This is a sample screen shot of the situation.

      Any idea how to solve this ?

      Thanks in advance.

        • 1. Re: richToolbar and redirect

          In previous post I mean


          I have missed it.

          PP: I'm doing a second post because I can find the edit button of my previous post.

          • 2. Re: richToolbar and redirect

            show full code please.

            And if I understand you - you enter the page with DDMenu and it isn't shown if your rule is redirect?

            • 3. Re: richToolbar and redirect

              Can't reproduce under 3.1.0 GA

              • 4. Re: richToolbar and redirect

                Hi again,

                That is the situation:

                My navigation page represents data table ( rich:table ) which displays data and also command buttons.

                <rich:column colspan="6" align="right">
                 <a4j:commandLink style="defaultLinkStyle" immediate="true" action="#{agreementView.editAgreement}" rendered="#{agr:isActionAllowed('editAgreement')}">
                <h:graphicImage value="/images/edit.gif" alt="???????????" />

                That is the action which is invoked.
                 public String editAgreement() {
                 Agreement agreement = (Agreement) getModel().getRowData();
                 setBean( "agreement", agreement );
                 setAddresses( agreement.getClient().getAddresses() );
                 log.debug( agreement.getAgreementid() );
                 return INavigationConstants.AGREEMENT_EDIT;

                Like INavigationConstancts.AGREEMENT_EDIT is declared in this way:

                public final static String AGREEMENT_EDIT = "agreement";

                And on last place but not at least the navigation rule

                I hope this will help much more then previous posts.

                Thanks in advance.

                • 5. Re: richToolbar and redirect

                  This is my menu which I have included in both pages.

                  <rich:toolBar id="mainMenu">
                   <rich:dropDownMenu value="???????">
                   <rich:menuItem submitMode="ajax" value="????? ?? ??????????"
                   action="#{agreementView.toLoginPage}" />
                   <rich:menuItem submitMode="ajax" value="?????"
                   action="#{agreementView.toLoginPage}" />
                   <rich:dropDownMenu value="????????">
                   <rich:menuItem value="?????? ???????"
                   action="#{agreementView.toNewAgreementPage}" rendered="#{agr:isActionAllowed('addAgreement')}" />
                   <rich:menuItem submitMode="ajax" value="?????? ?? ??????????" action="#{agreementView.toAgreementsPage}" />

                  • 6. Re: richToolbar and redirect

                    Is this problem reproducible in any browser, or only IE?

                    • 7. Re: richToolbar and redirect

                      Sorry, But I have checked it only on IE.

                      • 8. Re: richToolbar and redirect

                        There have been reported some problems with ajax navigation in IE.
                        Symptoms are basically the same as yours - scripts don't work as expected.
                        As a work-around I recommend you make all of your navigation menuItems submit in server mode.