0 Replies Latest reply on Nov 7, 2003 6:07 PM by aandrade



      I get the following exception when trying to view one of my jsp's:

      org.apache.jasper.JasperException: /jsp/projects.jsp(73,32) equal symbol expected

      Another of my jsp's gives me the same exception and both exceptions point to a similar line on both jsp's.

      The following is the section the exception points to:

      <bean:define id="customerCollection"
      name="projectForm" property="customers" scope="request" />

      <html:select multiple size="6" name="projectForm" property="customerGUID">

      <html:options collection="customerCollection" property="customerGUID" labelProperty="customerName" /></html:select>

      This is a bean:define struts tag nested with html:select and html:options tag. When I comment this entire section out my jsp runs fine. Not sure if this a Jboss issue, but when I run these jsp's under Resin there is no problem.

      Does anyone know what could possibly be the problem?