1 Reply Latest reply on Dec 17, 2003 6:03 PM by tsg26

    how to configure jndi name in jboss 3.2.2


      hi, i have problem, while configuring the jndi , in jboss3.2.2
      actually i have to access a dao using jndi name, what can i configure and where can i configure the jndi properly. please let me know immediatelly.

      thanking you

      waiting for reply

      nr konjeti

        • 1. Re: how to configure jndi name in jboss 3.2.2

          Hello ,

          Jndi are configure through jboss.xml like eg below



          or if are familar with xdoclet , declare simply as

          @ejb.bean name="Group"
          * local-jndi-name="Group1"
          * view-type="both"
          * type="CMP"
          * primkey-field="grpcode"
          * schema="grp1"
          * cmp-version="2.x"

          To access the local interface , you cannot access it externally , it must be warp with session bean , no such restriction with remote interface.

          Accessing tomcat or under jsp , you must use java:/jndi to perform the lookup using context.
