1 Reply Latest reply on Jul 8, 2004 11:23 PM by mikefinn

    defining jboss instance vs server


      hi all,

      i am a bit confused about the terminolgy here:

      1) when you say "multiple jboss instances" do you mean multiple jboss java processes (executing "ps -ef | grep jboss" will show two processes "/bin/sh /usr/local/jboss/bin/run.sh...")?

      2) how do you refer to several apps deployed within separate directories under /usr/local/jboss/server/. for example:

      $ ls /usr/local/jboss/server/
      all default minimal myapp1 myapp2

      I hope my question is clear... please let me know if it's not. thanks :-)


        • 1. Re: defining jboss instance vs server

          1. Generally, yes. Each time you launch a JBoss server (like via run.sh), it launches a new JVM, which is an 'instance' of JBoss.

          2. You generally don't deploy separate apps like this. 'all', 'default', et al are server configurations. An 'instance' runs one and only one of these configs, and are started like 'run.sh {-c all|default|minimal|whatever}'. Use all if you want clustering; default generally fits the bill if not.

          Install your apps under a single config's deploy directory (like /usr/local/jboss/server/default/deploy) and run one instance (like run.sh with no args). There is generally no need to run separate instances of each server config (all + default).

          Generally, you need multiple instances on a single box to:
          1) Test clustering
          2) Run dev and test or (gasp) test and prod on a single environment.

          Hopefully that helps clear things up.
