1 Reply Latest reply on Apr 1, 2005 11:18 AM by peterj

    Simple tutorial??


      Hi Folks,

      I am probably asking a really stupid question... but...

      I will soon be setting up a web site, and initially I was planning on using JBoss Portal, however afer thinking about it, the site is going to need less of the facilities that Portal can offer, but on each facility I am going to need greater control.

      Following this I was thinking of starting to develop my own "mini-CMS".

      I have no issues with setting up a development environment using JBoss AS and MySQL on Solaris, I have programming skills in multiple languages, and if I sat down in front of a server running Apache, PHP and MySQL I would know where to start to write a CMS, but for some reason I get lost almost straight away using JBoss!

      Are there any tutorials on where to start, say for instance, on using JBoss AS and MySQL to create a simple database driven web site - perhaps to create something as simple as a web log?


      Andrew McCall

        • 1. Re: Simple tutorial??

          You will probably want to make use of the MVC pattern in your app. In which case you will probably want to use an MVC framework such as Spring or Struts. Spring (www.springframework.org) comes with a good MVC tutorial. Struts (struts.apache.org) also has some turorials. For a lengthier Struts tutorial (actually, more of a tutorial on how to correctly build a web application), try Pro Jakarta Struts by Carnell and Harrop. They build a weblog/forum application over the course of the book (you can always download the code and examine it).

          None of the above tutorials use EJBs. In addition, most of them focus on Tomcat as the server but I have run the examples on JBoss AS without any problems. Perhaps someone knows of a good MVC with EJB tutorial.