0 Replies Latest reply on Sep 30, 2005 2:04 PM by dealyb

    Question About Jboss.mq message protocol URN


      I am working with a product that pulls application layer messages off of a router including http, smtp, etc. I am trying to implement an adapter for Jboss.mq and had a question about when mesages are sent to the server, whether they have a urn something like jms:// ?

      it is the jms: part I am particularly interested in understanding about.

      Since I will be trying to recognize these messages outside of the
      more normal route of connectionFactory, etc. I need I think to
      understand these details. I am assuming that if this is a standard
      way of sending messages to a jms server, then different jms providers
      might provide different prefixs like openjms:// for example...

      any insights are appreciated,