4 Replies Latest reply on Oct 25, 2007 7:56 PM by igor_d

    a4j:support onchange event with Internet Explorer

      I have noticed some strange behavior when trying to capture onchange events for ui components with Internet Explorer (IE 6). What I have noticed is that the onchange event is not fired when I change a component (like changing the value of a checkbox by clicking in it) unless I click somewhere else on the page (or on another component) after I change the initial component. When using Firefox, the event is fired as expected, which is when I change the component. I have included some sample code below with 3 components (checkbox, radio button and dropdown menu) that have nested a4j:support looking for the onchange event. IN IE, the only time the page updates the correct h:outputText is after I click somewhere else after changing the component. Is this expected behavior?

      Here is the .xhtml page:

      <html xmlns:ui="http://java.sun.com/jsf/facelets"
       <h:form id="MyForm">
       <h:selectBooleanCheckbox id="MyCheckbox"
       <a4j:support event="onchange" reRender="CheckboxOutput"
       <td width="20"/>
       <t:selectOneRadio id="MyRadio" layout="spread"
       <a4j:support event="onchange"
       <f:selectItem itemLabel="Value 1" itemValue="V1"/>
       <f:selectItem itemLabel="Value 2" itemValue="V2"/>
       <t:radio for="MyRadio" index="0"/>
       <t:radio for="MyRadio" index="1"/>
       <td width="20"/>
       <h:selectOneMenu id="MyMenu" value="#{TestBean.menuValue}">
       <a4j:support event="onchange"
       <f:selectItem itemLabel="Please select" itemValue=""/>
       <f:selectItem itemLabel="Menu Val 1" itemValue="MV1"/>
       <f:selectItem itemLabel="Menu Val 2" itemValue="MV2"/>
       <td>Checkbox Value: <h:outputText id="CheckboxOutput" value="#{TestBean.checkboxValue}"/></td>
       <td>Radio Value: <h:outputText id="RadioOutput" value="#{TestBean.radioValue}"/></td>
       <td>Menu Value: <h:outputText id="MenuOutput" value="#{TestBean.menuValue}"/></td>

      And here is the backing bean (session scoped in faces-config.xml):

      public class TestBean {
       private Boolean checkboxValue = false;
       private String radioValue = "V1";
       private String menuValue = "";
       public String radioChanged(){
       System.out.println("In radio changed...");
       return "";
       public String checkboxChanged(){
       System.out.println("In checkbox changed...");
       return "";
       public String menuChanged(){
       System.out.println("In menu changed...");
       return "";
       * Gets the checkboxValue
       * @return Boolean
       public Boolean getCheckboxValue() {
       return checkboxValue;
       * Sets the checkboxValue
       * @param checkboxValue The checkboxValue to set.
       public void setCheckboxValue(Boolean checkboxValue) {
       this.checkboxValue = checkboxValue;
       * Gets the menuValue
       * @return String
       public String getMenuValue() {
       return menuValue;
       * Sets the menuValue
       * @param menuValue The menuValue to set.
       public void setMenuValue(String menuValue) {
       this.menuValue = menuValue;
       * Gets the radioValue
       * @return String
       public String getRadioValue() {
       return radioValue;
       * Sets the radioValue
       * @param radioValue The radioValue to set.
       public void setRadioValue(String radioValue) {
       this.radioValue = radioValue;