0 Replies Latest reply on Oct 28, 2007 5:56 AM by super_faz

    SAR/EAR : how to start a client application ?



      I have created a SAR archive with three components :
      - an ejb 3 package : myejb.jar
      - a web site : myweb.war
      - a client app : myapp.jar

      My web site is fully functional, my ejb too, and I have tested my client app in a standalone mode : it works fine.

      But I don't find how to start my client application as a part of the ear file.
      The Sun documentation (for Sun Application Server) talk about a "runclient" script and a syntaxe like this one :

      runclient -client my.ear -name myapp

      What's the JBoss equivalent ? (I use JBoss 4.2.1.GA)