0 Replies Latest reply on Oct 29, 2007 4:14 PM by j-pro

    rich:tree switchType client-nodes not collapsing


      Good afternoon.

      I have:

      <rich:tree style="width:250px" id="structureTree" styleClass="tree" switchType="client"
       ajaxSubmitSelection="true" showConnectingLines="true"
       stateAdvisor="#{departmentTreeStateAdvisor}" reRender="staffDataTable_Form">
       <rich:recursiveTreeNodesAdaptor roots="#{treeMan.departmentsTreeRoots}" var="item" nodes="#{item.nodes}" />

      In this situation when my page opens, all parent nodes are opened(it is set in stateAdvisor). But when I try to collapse it - it doesn't collapse. If only I change switchType to "ajax" - it collapses and expands nicely.

      What's the problem?

      Thanks in advance.