1 Reply Latest reply on Oct 2, 2008 11:17 AM by peterj

    JON Min connections X Total connections


      As far as I know, min connections is the minimum amount of open connections Jboss keeps opened. It is set in *-ds.xml <min-pool-size>.

      I understand that "Total connections" should be greater or equal to "min connections". Sometimes JON reports that total connections is LESS than min connections. Is it correct?

      Any ideas?

        • 1. Re: JON Min connections X Total connections

          Total Connections is the number of database connections that have been created since the app server started. Connections are created lazily - none are made until the first connection request comes along at which time min connections are created. Therefore, you will see Total Connection set to 0 for a while, then when the first connection request comes along you should see Total Connection increase fairly quickly until it reaches min connections. So there is a window during which Total Connections could be less than min connections.