3 Replies Latest reply on Feb 13, 2005 10:45 PM by garciamonica

    Error build workbook examples with Mysql


      I have looked at the previous post and I am not sure if this is th same problem. I am trying to get mysql working with the work book. I am doing this so that I know that Mysql is working correctly with Jboss. The reason being is that I can then try work on a project and learn EJB's in general and Jboss.

      I put a edited copy of mysql-services.xml into ./default/deploy
      Then I added the mysql-connector-java-3.0.6-stable.bin.jar into the lib directory. Once I did this I ran Jboss and it seemed to start with no problems. I then ran the ant command on the CH4 example of the workbook and I go these error.

        • 1. Re: Error build workbook examples with Mysql

          I have the normal installation of mysql. I have not got the max distribution therefore I don't think got the ability for InnoDB.

          Thanks at advanced.. i really need someone to help I have no Idea where to go after this. I just want to start my project but cannot do anything if this does not work.


          • 2. Re: Error build workbook examples with Mysql

            Edit workbook/ex0x_x/src/resources/META-INF/jbosscmp-jdbc.xml
            changing DefaultDS to your data source
            and Hypersonic SQL to your datasource-mapping as found in
            <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

            <!DOCTYPE jbosscmp-jdbc PUBLIC
            "-//JBoss//DTD JBOSSCMP-JDBC 3.0//EN"


            //<datasource-mapping>Hypersonic SQL</datasource-mapping>


            hope that helps.

            • 3. Re: Error build workbook examples with Mysql


              I could not help notice your last name, Pompa! This is a rare name.

              My fathers name is Pompa, I wonder if you may know him?

              Al Pompa
