1. Re: problem with the first exercise in the workbook
schschtsk Aug 29, 2003 11:19 PM (in response to zapa)Hi,
i had the same problem trying to get the examples working.
If you are attempting to run the exersices from the workbook under some version of Linux, try to change the name of directory <...>/workbook/ex04_1/src/resources/meta-inf/<...>
And don't forget to do the same thing for all the other examples in your copy of the workbook :).
Without that action the package titan.jar don't deploy in JBoss properly, even though JBoss terminal window shows some activity about deployment of titan.jar.
After i did that all the exercises in the workbook worked fine.
I don't no about trying to get the examples working under Windows, maybe it isn't principal there (DOS doesn't differ capital letters from small letters).
It's strange to get such a sort of mistake there, because JBoss is free and Linux is free, and it's natural to expect that people use them together. But it looks like the most of users are trying to get the examples working under Windows and therefore get strange sorts of exception while running the examples ;).
Hope this helps. -
2. Re: problem with the first exercise in the workbook
garcia Oct 24, 2003 9:03 PM (in response to zapa)hi, if u extract the exercises from the zip file in linux, you don't get that problem.
cheers Mike.