2 Replies Latest reply on Jul 12, 2004 1:20 PM by icheung

    "CustomerEJB has no local home interface" (Ex12_1)


      I tried to deploy titan.jar for ex12_1 and I encountered the exception:
      "CustomerEJB has no local home interface" .

      I read through the forum and found that other people also encountered the same problem for other exercises.

      Actually CustomerEJB does not have any local home interface nor local interface. Nothing about local (home) interface is described in ejb-jar.xml, too. Why will jboss try to find a local home interface for it?

      One thing in common for all those exercises with this deployment problem is that, EJB with only remote interface tries to access EJB with only local interface. I suspect this is the cause of the problem.

      So I remove the AddressEJB which has only local interface (of course, CustomerEJB will change some code) and redeploy again. This time no error!!!

      Then I tried to use session bean to access entity beans which has only local interface, there is also no problem.

      So the conclusion I made is that, in a jar, if both entity beans with only remote interface and entity beans with only local interface are used together, jboss will have problems in deploying this jar.

      Any other suggestion?

        • 1. Re: CustomerEJB has no local home interface

          Hi -

          I also encountered the same problem. I read it somewhere that many had this issue. Somebody even wrote that this is a jboss bug. I finally had to create the Local Home object for CustomerEJB to make it work. Anyone of you have any advise or suggestions?

          -- Hari Gangadharan

          • 2. Re:

            I found the exact same problem and are asking a question to oreilly and will post the finding here.
