1 Reply Latest reply on Feb 14, 2004 8:29 AM by dexterwong

    ex04_01 clients programs hang



      "Bill Burke" wrote:
      "Bill Burke" wrote:
      Yes this is more advanced configuration. The final version of book will have more info on this. Until then, buy the JBoss CMP 2.0 docs from the website.

      > In weblogic specific file , there is additional
      > information about the relationship . This gives the
      > container information about how to join the 2
      > tables.
      > In jboss specific file I do not find this kind of
      > information. So I am not sure the 2 tables will be
      > joined. Could some body explain me.
      > Partical content of weblogic file is given below.
      > Thanks.
      > <weblogic-rdbms-relation>
      > <relation-name>Customer-Address</relation-name>
      > <weblogic-relationship-role>
      > <relationship-role-name>Customer-has-a-Address</relat
      > onship-role-name>
      > <column-map>
      > <foreign-key-column>ADDRESS_ID</foreign-key-column>
      > <key-column>ID</key-column>
      > </column-map>
      > </weblogic-relationship-role>
      > </weblogic-rdbms-relation>