1 Reply Latest reply on Jan 8, 2007 7:58 PM by clebert.suconic

    JBMESSAGING-674 - Propagation of server List to client


      This is a discussion of http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBMESSAGING-674

      Is it okay if I add these fields to ServerConnectionFactoryEndpoint? :

      protected int viewId;
       private ClientConnectionFactoryDelegate[] delegates;
       // Map <Integer(nodeID)->Integer(failoverNodeID)>
       private Map failoverMap;

      I want to update viewId and these other fields on ServerConnectionFactoryEndpoint every time the Replicator fires a change, and every time we need Connections I will be comparing clientSide viewId with server's side on ClusteredConnectionFactory.

      Of course these fields will be 0 or Null in case of NonClusteredConnections.

      Any objections?

        • 1. Re: JBMESSAGING-674 - Propagation of server List to client

          Instead of updating failoverMap on every communication we will be doing activelly when server's view (failoverMap and connectionDelegate) has changed.

          We will have a static list somewhere on the client, and update that list when new nodes are joining the cluster. I will have to think of something, as right now I don't have many details about how this will be implemented.