1. Re: Resolving issue JBAS-1801
adrian.brock Jun 6, 2005 12:56 PM (in response to starksm64)So the main issue is to fix the ear deployer to only accept the explicitly
defined modules in application.xml and jboss-aop.xml
If that is correct, I'll create a subtask off JBAS-1801 and fix it myself.
I think that whether the explicitly named deployment actually has an installed deployer
is not an issue relevent to the EARDeployer. It will try to deploy the subdeployment
and it might fail if no installed deployer recognises it.
I'm not sure I get the issue with the war deployments since they don't accept
any subdeployments? Or has that changed? -
2. Re: Resolving issue JBAS-1801
starksm64 Jun 6, 2005 1:09 PM (in response to starksm64)No, that is correct, the war deployer does not have a subdeployment notion currently. We did waffle a bit when adding web services, but ultimately the integration went into the tomcat deployer.
The issue with the war is that it does need to know more about its deployment structure to properly configure the myriad of paths tomcat needs and navigation depends on whether there is a packed/unpacked deployment.
I do think the only real issues are to fix the hard coded subdeployment list in the ear deployer, and then to push the accepts implementation to the subdeployer support level based on the directory free list of suffixes the subdeployer implementation supports. So given a .jbar, and a -bean.xml deployment suffix list, ".jbar", ".jbar/" and "-bean.xml" are accepted by the bean deployer. -
3. Re: Resolving issue JBAS-1801
starksm64 Jun 6, 2005 1:18 PM (in response to starksm64)Also note that the inclusion of the '.' and '-' in the suffix is important as there has been some supurious deployment exceptions when unqualified suffixes were found, for example, "notajbar" getting deployed as a ".jbar".
4. Re: Resolving issue JBAS-1801
adrian.brock Jun 6, 2005 2:03 PM (in response to starksm64)OK, I'll fix the EAR deployer.
The other issue would be things like the rar deployer not including the "."public String getExtension() { return "rar"; }
in its checking.