1. Re: JBAS-4593 -- Leaking classloader via JMX Notifications
clebert.suconic Aug 17, 2007 10:58 AM (in response to brian.stansberry)
I could see is UnifiedLoaderRepository3 indeed sends a notificaton of the classLoader... and if you buffer such notification that would generate a leak.
I don't know how to avoid the buffer on the sun's implementation.
One thing that I thought though, was to make the attribute source on javax.management.Notification a WeakReference, but sounds a weird solution. (Brain storm).
Another possibility would be to not send ClassLoading notifications when using Sun's JMX? (Another brain storm)
This is a job for JMX/ClassLoader experts. -
2. Re: JBAS-4593 -- Leaking classloader via JMX Notifications
shasse Aug 20, 2007 10:54 AM (in response to brian.stansberry)I can confirm that in our case at least the remote JMX connections are coming from a jconsole instance that is used to watch the perm gen size and initiate various MBean actions.
Scott -
3. Re: JBAS-4593 -- Leaking classloader via JMX Notifications
starksm64 Aug 20, 2007 12:03 PM (in response to brian.stansberry)There are no expected listeners, its just part of the jmx management
interface to emit notifications when class loaders are added/removed
from a repo. I do see that there is a
org.jboss.aop.deployment.LoaderRepositoryUrlUtil class referencing the
CLASSLOADER_ADDED/CLASSLOADER_REMOVED event types to track some internal
sequence number, but that is the only explicit usage in the 4.2 codebase
I can find. In the past there were thoughts about using these notifications to handle implicit deployment dependencies based on usage of a class from the repository, but this was never fleshed out.
I don't see a problem with wrapping the class loader in a WeakReference
to avoid the jmx layer being a strong referent. NotificationListeners
would have to be aware that the Notification user data has changed to a
WeakReference. This could be added as an optional behavior based on a
system property. Notification emission could also be disabled altogether as well based on this property.