3 Replies Latest reply on Feb 2, 2010 3:11 PM by naveenj

    503 Service Temporarily Unavailable error when I kill a node


      Hi I use the latest mod_cluster with JBoss 5.1.0.GA server(all) clustered mod_cluster configuration.

      My testing envirnoment is:
      I created a loopback network interface for testing and added 3 ip addresses on Vista.
      1: load balancer
      2: node1
      3: node2

      I get 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable error by the following cases, and I must wait about 30 sec to the httpd begin to route the request to the nodes.

      1.when all jboss nodes started and the ear deploy process is finished.
      2.sometimes when either node is killed
      3.when I killed a node, and try to restart the killed node.

      after ~30sec it begin to work all cases.

      Do you hava any idea?
