0 Replies Latest reply on Jul 21, 2003 2:20 AM by sanjewad

    Read Only BMP-EJBs


      I have a bean called PackageDef which is a BMP entity bean. I want to set all the getter methods for read only mode. i.e. when I call one of the getter methods defined in PackageDef EJB it should not call ejbStore method. It should only call the ejbLoad method. I expect this from setting the attribute as read-only in jboss.xml.
      So I have added custom configuration to my jboss.xml file. All the other configurations remain the same.

      Sample of Jboss.xml is shown as below.

      But this seems to be not working.
      Do you have any clue, what should I follow to overcome this problem?. Or Is there any other solution to this?. I am not using any xdoclet tags in my EJB.

      jboss.xml file

      <container-configuration extends=
      "Standard BMP EntityBean">
      <container-name>BMP 2.x and Cache</container-name>

      <configuration-name>BMP 2.x and Cache</configuration-name>


