0 Replies Latest reply on Dec 10, 2007 8:33 AM by balteo

    Question about


      I have the following jsf page with two forms each of which launches a process through a command button. When a problem occurs on the server side for one of the command buttons (e.g. an exception) BOTH my h:message buttons display the info for the exception/problem that occurred. I would like for each of the h:message to diplay only the info it is supposed to take care of. Any idea?
      Thanks in advance,

      <h:form id="companies-netting-process-form">
       <a4j:region id="companies-netting-process">
       <rich:message showDetail="true" showSummary="true" for="companies-netting-process-form"/>
       <a4j:commandButton id="companies-netting-process-button" action="#{NettingManagedBean.copyCompanies}" value="Traitement netting companies" />
       <a4j:status id="companies-netting-process-status" for="companies-netting-process">
       <f:facet name="start">
       <h:graphicImage value="images/start.gif"/>
       <f:facet name="stop">
       <h:graphicImage value="images/stop.gif"/>
       <h:form id="amounts-netting-process-form">
       <a4j:region id="amounts-netting-process">
       <rich:message showDetail="true" showSummary="true" for="amounts-netting-process-form"/>
       <a4j:commandButton id="amounts-netting-process-button" action="#{NettingManagedBean.copyAmounts}" value="Traitement netting amounts" />
       <a4j:status id="amounts-netting-process-status" for="amounts-netting-process">
       <f:facet name="start">
       <h:graphicImage value="images/start.gif"/>
       <f:facet name="stop">
       <h:graphicImage value="images/stop.gif"/>