I am a J2EE-developer and user of JBoss.
During my work I noticed some possiblities to improve the JBoss project:
1. The forum search returns the founded entries without a context between these (and without the number of replies). I think it will be better to show also the context between the entries and the number of replies:
e.g. If there will be find the entries
"Invalid transaction id", "RE: Invalid transaction id" and "somthing other" then today it is shown as
"Invalid transaction id"
"somthing other"
"RE: Invalid transaction id"
"Invalid transaction id" (replies 1)
+-- "RE: Invalid transaction id"
"somthing other" (replies 10)
With this context/number of replies the user will find faster the information he is looking for.
2. The documentation to JBoss is not sufficient. It took me 1 day to get information about the JmsXA-JCA (the forum helps me). I have the "QuickStartGuide 3.0" and the "JBoss Administration and Development"-eBook, but there you can't find corresponding/sufficient information.
3. I need an usable JBoss-JBuilder-OpenTool. Present I use the voyager opentool but this tool doesn't make me happy. What about a new JBoss sub-project (developing such an tool)?
At the end I want to say that I am really satisfied with JBoss, and my criticism is just to improve JBoss!
Best regards, may be the source with you, Bernhard.