0 Replies Latest reply on Sep 6, 2002 3:36 PM by gmejia

    JBoss & Hypersonic


      Hi All.. !!

      I am trying to configure and use Hypersonic for first time, I saw that JBoss has this database embebed, but I can not make it work, fisrtable I added in my classpath D:\tomcatJB\server\default\lib\hsqldb.jar, I start my jboss and I ran the Hypersonic cliente with:

      java D:\tomcatJB\server\default\lib\hsqldb.jar

      The cliente started ok, but when I try to make the conection I got an error (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.hsql.jdbcDriver)
      I check hsqldb.jar and it has this class, could you help me ??

      Thanks in advance.. !
      Gustavo Mejia