Rich:tree getData() for selection question
andygibson Dec 28, 2007 10:23 AMHey folks,
I know there are a number of posts on rich:tree, but couldn't find anything to answer the problem. I cannot get data from tree nodes passed to events to get the data for the selected node. I don't know whether it can be done using the page side tree definition, or whether I have to go through the process of defining the tree model on the server side by a model object implementing the TreeNode interface?
I have a rich:tree, and use the recursive tree nodes adapter to get my nodes in the tree. My tree is displaying fine and it works nicely.
I have a set of security categories which are defined recursively (a category has a parent category) and each category has none or more security rights. I have the following in my xhtml file :
<rich:tree switchType="client" reRender="tabUsers" ajaxSubmitSelection="true" > <rich:recursiveTreeNodesAdaptor nodes="#{v_node.categories}" roots="#{securityCategories}" var="v_node"> <rich:treeNode iconLeaf="/img/iconFolder.gif"> <h:outputText value="#{v_node.description}"></h:outputText> </rich:treeNode> <rich:treeNodesAdaptor nodes="#{v_node.rights}" var="v_rightNode"> <rich:treeNode iconLeaf="/img/padlock.gif" nodeSelectListener="#{userRightAssignment.userRightNodeSelected}"> <h:outputText value="#{v_rightNode.description}" /> </rich:treeNode> </rich:treeNodesAdaptor> </rich:recursiveTreeNodesAdaptor> </rich:tree>
This displays just fine and my select listener "userRightNodeSelected" is defined as :
public void userRightNodeSelected(NodeSelectedEvent event) { UITreeNode node = null; node = (UITreeNode) event.getComponent(); if (node == null) { return; } Object selectedData = node.getData(); if (selectedData instanceof UserRight) { log.debug("Setting User Right"); setSelectedUserRight((UserRight) selectedData); } else { log.debug("Nulling User Right"); setSelectedUserRight(null); } log.debug("User right is now #0", selectedUserRight); }
The event is called and the node obtained is an HtmlTreeNode. When I call getData(), I get null every time.
The question is how do I attach data (the Category or UserRight) to the tree node and can it be done automatically with using recursive tree nodes adapter, or do I have to create the tree based on TreeNode classes using the Model?