2 Replies Latest reply on Jan 2, 2008 3:59 AM by poxd

    rich:column issue with colspan


      I use the tag rich:column to define a < td > and I'd like to span it on multiple columns....

      There is my code:

      <h:panelGrid border="0" columns="3" width="100%" id="pg10">
       <rich:column colspan="3">
       <h:outputText value="#{bundle.e19_integrationAuto_libelle_message}"
       id="messageInformatif" /> </rich:column>
       <rich:column colspan="3"> <h:inputText style="100%" id="inputMessageInformatif"></h:inputText> </rich:column>

      My config:
      - myfaces 1.1.5
      - richfaces 3.1.1

      My problem:
      It's not rendered like I will. I got that for each row:
      <td/><td colspan="3">...</td>

      So I've an extra column before my spanned column!

      Could you help me to recover that?


        • 1. Re: rich:column issue with colspan

          rich:columnd doesn't work with h:panelGrid. Try to use rich:dataGrid instead

          • 2. Re: rich:column issue with colspan

            Thanks for your response!

            I tried with a rich:dataGrid but my rich:column is not rendered.

            My code:

            <rich:dataGrid border="0" columns="3" width="100%" id="pg10">
             <rich:column colspan="3">
             id="messageInformatif" />
             <rich:column colspan="3">
             <h:inputText style="100%" id="inputMessageInformatif"></h:inputText>
             id="nbLignesFichier" />
             id="nbLignesIntegrees" />
             id="nbLignesRejetees" />
             <h:inputText id="nbLignesFichierValue" />
             <h:inputText id="nbLignesIntegreesValue" />
             <h:inputText id="nbLignesRejeteesValue" />

            And this is the result:
            <table id="integrationForm:pg10" class="dr-table rich-table" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" rows="0">
            <colgroup span="3"/>
            <td class="dr-table-cell rich-table-cell"/>
            <td class="dr-table-cell rich-table-cell"/>
            <td class="dr-table-cell rich-table-cell"/>

            You can see that there is a colgroup declaration but I'd like to have a .... Not a colgroup...

            How can I do that?