0 Replies Latest reply on Jul 6, 2005 8:36 PM by bill.burke

    Refactoring Instrumentation in AOP 2.0:  Iteration 3


      * Write a fully optimized instrumentor that inlines before/after, within the
      OPtimized MethodInvocation, ConstructorInvocation, etc... classes. Remember
      that old generated code snippet we sent around before? I'll attach some examples.

      public class Foo
       private float doit(double stuff) throws TypedException
       public static abstract class Joinpoint_doit implements MethodJoinpoint
       protected Foo target;
       protected double arg1;
       protected Joinpoint_doit() {}
       protected Joinpoint_doit(Foo target, double arg1)
       this.target = target;
       this.arg1 = arg1;
       public Object dispatch()
       return new Float(target.doit(arg1));
       public Object[] getArguments() {...}
       public abstract float doit(Foo target, arg1);
      package org;
      public class Foo_Joinpoint_doit extends Foo.Joinpoint_doit
       private Security before1;
       private TxDemarcation around1;
       private LatchedJoinpoint around2;
       private SomeAspect after1;
       private SomeAspect after2;
       Private AnotherAspect afterThrowing1;
       private int currentAdvice;
       public Foo_Joinpoint_doit(TxDemarcation around1, LatchedJoinpoint around2)
       this.around1 = around1;
       this.around2 = around2;
       public Foo_joinpoint_doit(Foo target, double arg1, TxDemarcation around1, LatchedJoinpoint around2)
       super(target, arg1);
       // for dynamic invoke.
       public Object invoke(Object target, MethodJoinpoint jp) throws Exception
       Object[] args = jp.getArguments();
       return new Float(doit((Foo)target, ((Double)args[0]).doubleValue()));
       public float doit(Foo target, double arg1) throws TypedException
       float returnValue;
       try {
       Foo_Joinpoint around = new Foo_Joinpoint(target, arg1, around1, around2);
       returnValue = = (Float)(around.invokeNext()).floatValue();
       // after needs detyped args so get them from the around advice
       args = around.getArguments();
       returnValue = (Float)(after1.doAdvice(this, // static joinpoint
       new Float(returnValue), // return as a generic object
       args)).floatValue(); // needs generic args
       returnValue = after2.doAdvice(returnValue); // just typed returnValue needed.
       } catch (Throwable t) {
       t = afterThrowing1.execute(this, t, args);
       t = afterThrowing2.execute(this, t, args);
       if (t instanceof TypedException) throw (TypedException)t;
       else if (t instanceof RuntimeException) throw (RuntimeException)t;
       else throw new RuntimeException(t);
       return returnValue;
       public FooPolicy getAround3()
       return (FooPolicy)target.getInstanceAdvisor().getPerInstanceAspect("FooPolicy");
       public Object invokeNext() throws Throwable
       try {
       switch (++currentAdvice) {
       case 1:
       return around1.doTransaction(this);
       case 2:
       return around2.invoke(this);
       case 3:
       try {
       return new Float(getAround3().doit(arg1));
       } finally {
       return dispatch();
       } finally {