im new to JBoss AOP. I installed the JBoss IDE and the AOP-Extensions on my Eclipse 3.0.x.
If i import a Eclipse Project (from a Websphere JE22-Project) into eclipse and run the "Convert to AOP-Project" on it, he creates the "jboss-aop.xml" in the project-root but when i create a new class and want to implement an Interceptor Interface he doesnt find the one from Jboss :/
The same occurs when i create a JBoss-J2EE-Project and convert it.
Can someone knows a solution for that ? I want to create my J2EE-Program in Websphere and want to add AOP-Concepts afterwards in Eclipse.
Any help is much appreciated.
hmm, no one else know this problem ? Do i make something wrong then ? :/