5 Replies Latest reply on Nov 1, 2005 12:56 PM by oliver_zzx

    Running HelloAOP example in Eclipse 3.1



      I follow the Jboss AOP eclipse HelloAOP IDE tutorial, but when I try to "run" it, I get the following error:

      Plug-in org.jboss.ide.eclipse.jdt.aop.ui was unable to load class

      Can someone please tell me how to resolve this?

      Thank you.

        • 1. Re: Running HelloAOP example in Eclipse 3.1

          i have the same problem with the JbossAOP-IDE-Plugins. But only when i did the following:
          - create a JBossIDE/j2ee-project
          - convert that project to AOP Project using right click on project and "Convert to AOPProject..."

          That will made fine but afterwards im unable to load any of the JBoss-IDE-Plugins with the similar error-message you get.

          I i delete that converted J2EE-Project out of my workbench all runs fine again.

          So maybe try that too...delete all projects and try again.

          • 2. Re: Running HelloAOP example in Eclipse 3.1

            oh and i needed to delete the .metadata-dir of the eclipse-workspace.

            i think i got it now. it has something todo with the Library "J2EE 1.4 Libraries (JBoss-IDE)"

            I i have a project in my workspace that is converted to an AOP-Project or is one since the beginning and i add this Library to this project i get this error right after the next restart of the exlipse workbench. If i remove it again all went fine again.

            @any JBoss-Internal: Is that an official issue or even a "dont-do" ? If so, how are am i able to use J2EE-Features like Beans in an aop-project ?

            • 3. Re: Running HelloAOP example in Eclipse 3.1

              i tried further...it seems that not the J2EE-Library itself makes trouble but the classes who uses this Library

              for example: i have this AOPProject with J2EE1.4-Library included. I insert a normal class with no J2EE-stuff and it runs fine. When i add a interface-class with just this lines i get the error:

              package beans;
              import java.rmi.RemoteException;
               * Remote interface for Enterprise Bean: Facade
              public interface Facade extends javax.ejb.EJBObject {
               public String sayHello() throws RemoteException;

              you have the same problems ? im using Eclipse 3.0.x

              • 4. Re: Running HelloAOP example in Eclipse 3.1

                Try JBossAOP Developer 1.1 RC 1, and use the latest Eclipse version


                • 5. Re: Running HelloAOP example in Eclipse 3.1


                  "kabir.khan@jboss.com" wrote:
                  Try JBossAOP Developer 1.1 RC 1, and use the latest Eclipse version


                  oh, thanks alot kabir. it worked! Now i have one problem less ;)