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1. Re: using cflow to prevent
kabirkhan Nov 15, 2005 11:02 AM (in response to jmale)instead of
<cflow-stack name="duplicateCollab"> <called expr="* *->"/> </cflow-stack> <bind pointcut="execution(* *->" cflow="!duplicateCollab"> <advice name="collab" aspect=""/> </bind>
Try<cflow-stack name="duplicateCollab"> <not-called expr="* *->"/> </cflow-stack> <bind pointcut="execution(* *->" cflow="duplicateCollab"> <advice name="collab" aspect=""/> </bind>
2. Re: using cflow to prevent
jmale Nov 16, 2005 3:09 AM (in response to jmale)Thanks Kabir for the reply.
I tried what you suggested but without success.
Investigating a bit further I found that the "cflow" statements did operate as expected if I used ordinary method patterns for the "called expr" attribute. It seems to break if I specify an annotated method pattern however. I was wondering if this was by design or whether it might be a bug - I am using version 1.3.4 -
3. Re: using cflow to prevent
kabirkhan Nov 28, 2005 11:38 AM (in response to jmale)Added a JIRA issue