1 2 Previous Next 17 Replies Latest reply on Jan 5, 2007 3:08 PM by kabirkhan Go to original post
      • 15. Re: Metadata rewrite

        I am now able to figure out whether there is instance metadata. The problem is to get the context into the AOPConstructorJoinpoint where I am doing the checks. Locally, I have made AOPConstructorJoinpoint implement KernelControllerContextAware, and KernelControllerContextAction.dispatchJoinpoint() set the context if the joinpoint implements the KCCA interface.

        All tests now pass, although I am not able to get hold of the context if instantiating the bean via the GenericBeanAspectFactory/GenericBeanFactory.

        I will tidy up this and commit tomorrow, and we can discuss from there

        • 16. Re: Metadata rewrite


          "kabir.khan@jboss.com" wrote:
          Locally, I have made AOPConstructorJoinpoint implement KernelControllerContextAware

          There were added more state 'precise' KCCAware interfaces.
          And I think we should drop the plain KCCA, since that way you don't know when it gets applied or which is the right state to do that.

          • 17. Re: Metadata rewrite

            This has been commited to head.

            The only reason I added the KCCA to AOPConstructorJoinPoint was to allow the insertion of the ControllerContext - I'll see if I can do the required work in another place. If not, I need some interface to inject it, but don't particularly care what it is called

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