1. Re: JBAS-2100 AOP integration in JBoss5
kabirkhan Feb 18, 2007 6:25 PM (in response to starksm64)Just to be clear, do you mean another AOP alpha? It should be a possible but won't work with jdk 1.4 until I've added the "Signature"/generic type stuff to jboss retro. But that should not matter for head since that is JDK 5.
Is this a consequence of a new MC release? I need a versioned MC release sometime -
2. Re: JBAS-2100 AOP integration in JBoss5
kabirkhan Feb 18, 2007 6:33 PM (in response to starksm64)I saw a post about AS 5 beta 2, so that answers my question wrt an MC release
3. Re: JBAS-2100 AOP integration in JBoss5
kabirkhan Feb 23, 2007 2:04 PM (in response to starksm64)I have made AOP 2.0.0.alpha3 available in the repository and upgraded the microcontainer and jboss-head builds to use it.
4. Re: JBAS-2100 AOP integration in JBoss5
adrian.brock Feb 23, 2007 2:36 PM (in response to starksm64)Build is broken:
BUILD FAILED /home/ejort/jboss-head/build/build.xml:898: The following error occurred while executing this line: /home/ejort/jboss-head/build/build-thirdparty.xml:145: A versioning problem exists: Component: jboss/aop is at version: 2.0.0.alpha3 but it is also required to be compatible with: [Compatible@c943d1{id=null, version=1.5.0.GA}, Compatible@18352d8{id=null, version=1.5.1.GA}, Compatible@b40ec4{id=null, version=1.5.2.GA}, Compatible@13576a2{id=null, version=1.5.3.GA}, Compatible@ff8c74{id=null, version=1.5.4.GA}] by: jboss/messaging
5. Re: JBAS-2100 AOP integration in JBoss5
adrian.brock Feb 23, 2007 2:45 PM (in response to starksm64)Adding
<compatible version="2.0.0.alpha3"/>
To my local jboss/messaging/component-info.xml
seems to fix it, but I guess the messaging team needs to
validate against this release? -
6. Re: JBAS-2100 AOP integration in JBoss5
kabirkhan Feb 23, 2007 7:17 PM (in response to starksm64)AFAICR we have not had any 1.5.x releases in head ever, so I think this is a messaging problem?
Anyhow, somebody seems to have fixed it. I'll let the messaging guys know -
7. Re: JBAS-2100 AOP integration in JBoss5
ovidiu.feodorov Feb 23, 2007 9:59 PM (in response to starksm64)Kabir, there's a procedure for this kind of things, "somebody seems to have fixed it" is not good enough. Read on: http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&p=4021458#4021458