4 Replies Latest reply on Jan 23, 2008 12:02 PM by starksm64

    DynamicLoginConfig MBean Service in JBoss5


      Scott, this is in reference to the question I posted in

      Talking to Bill, I get the feeling that the legacy MBean Service DynamicLoginConfig needs to make way for a Deployer?

      If the service is defined within an ear file, I am unable to load the login-config.xml defined in the service via the TCL.

        • 1. Re: DynamicLoginConfig MBean Service in JBoss5

          I have to understand the differences between the VFS CL and the UCL.

          For the DynamicLoginConfig to work as part of the deployments such as EARs, they should not be loading a resource file called as "login-config.xml" as that defaults to conf/login-config.xml and that the resource file should in the class path of the VFS CL such as EAR->war->web-inf/classes

          • 2. Re: DynamicLoginConfig MBean Service in JBoss5

            Use a unique prefix for the resource so that is only found in the ear, and update the mbean AuthConfig attribute value:

             <mbean code="org.jboss.security.auth.login.DynamicLoginConfig"
             <attribute name="AuthConfig">secured-ejb/login-config.xml</attribute>
             <depends optional-attribute-name="LoginConfigService">
             <depends optional-attribute-name="SecurityManagerService">

            The jca-securedejb.jar would have to be updated to include the secured-ejb/login-config.xml resource rather than having login-config.xml at the root of the jar.

            • 3. Re: DynamicLoginConfig MBean Service in JBoss5

              I know the tcl was not loading from say META-INF/login-config.xml when the tcl was set at the root of the ear. I guess this will be fixed with the tcl getResource as part of the 2.0.0.Beta4 of mc?

              • 4. Re: DynamicLoginConfig MBean Service in JBoss5

                I don't think the ear is being added to the deployment tcl right now, so that is why its not picking up such a resource.