1 Reply Latest reply on Apr 28, 2007 8:36 PM by ryan.campbell

    JBAS-3704 Add a notion of available interfaces to org.jboss.


      Please see file attached to related issue. There can be found sources for new Ant task <server:addresses> which works as follows:

      Input attributes: ${env} - environment properties prefix with preset addresses, if not set no preset values are used, ${prop} - new properties prefix, prefix is extended by number 0..n, ${ifaces} - number of interfaces to find, if there is not enough interfaces an exception is thrown.

      x = 1;
      while (${env} <> "" && MYTESTIP_x <> "") {
       ${prop} + (x - 1) = MYTESTIP_x; // this means for ex. jboss.server.iface.(x - 1) = ...
      while (x <= ${ifaces}) {
       ${prop} + (x - 1) = fetch_next_interface_from_NetworkInterface();

      Example of use can be found in commets to issue JBAS-3704.

      Is this right? Can I commit it to SVN?