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1. Problem with CVS
aloubyansky Aug 18, 2004 7:06 PM (in response to ijohnyiii)I have some problems while getting the media contents from CVS. According to a mail (from Scott Stark) the media module name is jboss-head. However, when I browse the CVS Tree I cannot find the jboss-head module. Indeed, there is a module called jboss-media. Do I have to use this one? When I try this (I try to access CVS services from behind a firewall) with TortoiseCVS CVSROOT:
The server keeps asking for a password:In C:\Documents and Settings\Roland\Desktop: "C:\TortoiseCVS\cvs.exe" "-q" "checkout" "-P" "Desktop"
cvs checkout: Empty password used - try 'cvs login' with a real password
cvs [checkout aborted]: authorization failed: server rejected access to /cvsroot/jboss/jboss-media for user anonymous
Error, CVS operation failed
What do I have to change?
Roland Beuker -
2. Re: Help: download of SPECjAppServer2002 kit fails...
ijohnyiii Aug 18, 2004 7:09 PM (in response to ijohnyiii)"ijohnyiii" wrote:
: sorry, in the subject i meant download and not down!
I am trying to download the kit, using the cmd line as mentioned on the jboss web-site, but it fails. The cmd line used is
cvs -z3
:/cvsroot/jboss co specj
The errors are:
cvs [checkout aborted]: connect to failed: connection timed out
It looks like the server is DOWN as the ping to it fails.
Can you folks help point to the right server?