8 Replies Latest reply on Mar 19, 2008 5:35 AM by thomas.diesler

    Dependency on container configurations and JBWS-1992


      Hi Folks,
      I'm working on the JBWS-1992 (http://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/JBWS-1992). The issue description has 2 exceptions; the first one is not happening any more imho, the second one (Entry not found with name: WSEndpointRegistry) is caused by the WSEndpointRegistryDeploymentAspect missing a dependency on the WSEndpointRegistry bean.
      In order for that deployment aspect to depend on this bean, this has to be moved from the stack config file (jbossws-native-config.xml for example) to the jbossws-deployer-beans.xml in the AS code base.
      This however means the jbossws-jboss42 resources need to change too, since the stack conf file will not have the WSEndpointRegistry anymore.
      Do you see any problem in changing the jboss42 integration resources now? And if this is ok, where is the jbossws-jboss42-config.xml in the AS42 code base? I can see it only in the 4.2.1 tag of our container integration.

        • 1. Re: JBWS-1922

          Yes, this has been bugging me for some time, and I don't have a good solution for it either.

          My suggestion would be, to move the AS42 container config to the stack code base (i.e. native, metro, cxf) and get rid of the dependency to jbossws-jboss42-resources.zip

           <get src="${jboss.repository}/jboss/jbossws-jboss42/${jbossws-jboss42}/lib/jbossws-jboss42-resources.zip" dest="${thirdparty.dir}/jbossws-jboss42-resources.zip" usetimestamp="true" verbose="true"/>

          This would of course duplicate the AS42 container config with every supported stack.

          An alternative is to introduce another svn:externals dependency on the AS42 codebase.

          Any other ideas?

          • 2. Re: Dependency on AS42 container configuration

            Thanks Thomas, unfortunately I don't have other solutions for this. I think I'll do the first one, i.e. move the AS42 container config to the stacks code base.

            • 3. Re: Dependency on container configurations and JBWS-1992

              I'm posting here to keep track of what happened.
              I tried moving the WSEndpointRegistry to the container configuration (at first duplicating the container config in the stacks, then manually creating a new jbossws-jboss42=4.2.3.CR1 dependency). This however proved not to be a valid solution for some reasons, the most important being that even if I can manage to fix the 4.2 integration, JBoss 5.0.0 Beta4 is already out and its jbossws-deployer-beans.xml config cannot be easily modified. Therefore I would say that we can't easily have the correct dependency of WSEndpointRegistryDeploymentAspect on the WSEndpointRegistry bean, since we can't change the configuration that declares it.

              On chat Thomas suggested checking for the existence of the mbeanServer before the unregister process. This would have been an idea for the first exception (ie. the one thrown by the EndpointRecordProcessorDeploymentAspect.). Speaking of the WSEndpointRegistry issue, instead, my thought is that if we can't assure the registry bean is available, then we could only handle the exception, supposing the server is shutting down, but of course this doesn't mean really solving the issue. Otherwise we can only put up with the shutdown KernelRegistryEntryNotFoundException.

              Do anybody have better idea than me?

              • 4. Re: Dependency on container configurations and JBWS-1992


                "alessio.soldano@jboss.com" wrote:
                This however proved not to be a valid solution for some reasons, the most important being that even if I can manage to fix the 4.2 integration, JBoss 5.0.0 Beta4 is already out and its jbossws-deployer-beans.xml config cannot be easily modified. Therefore I would say that we can't easily have the correct dependency of WSEndpointRegistryDeploymentAspect on the WSEndpointRegistry bean, since we can't change the configuration that declares it.

                I think it's correct solution, the question is if we will support AS 5 Beta 4 when AS CR1 will be out. I think we will not support it.

                • 5. Re: Dependency on container configurations and JBWS-1992


                  "richard.opalka@jboss.com" wrote:
                  "alessio.soldano@jboss.com" wrote:
                  This however proved not to be a valid solution for some reasons, the most important being that even if I can manage to fix the 4.2 integration, JBoss 5.0.0 Beta4 is already out and its jbossws-deployer-beans.xml config cannot be easily modified. Therefore I would say that we can't easily have the correct dependency of WSEndpointRegistryDeploymentAspect on the WSEndpointRegistry bean, since we can't change the configuration that declares it.

                  I think it's correct solution, the question is if we will support AS 5 Beta 4 when AS CR1 will be out. I think we will not support it.

                  Hi Richard,
                  apart from the fact that this solution has other problem (see http://fisheye.jboss.com/changelog/JBossWS/?cs=6012), AS 5 beta4 is a target container righ now, so imho we have to support it, even if CR1 will be out at some point in the future.

                  • 6. Re: Dependency on container configurations and JBWS-1992

                    I know,

                    what I intended is if it's possible to create some ugly hack for AS Beta4 only that could be removed in the future when Beta 4 will become unsupported ;)

                    • 7. Re: Dependency on container configurations and JBWS-1992

                      In other words we could have correct solution for all 4.2.x servers, 5 CR1 server and ugly hack for AS 5 Beta 4 (which could be removed in the future when Beta4 will become unsupported)

                      • 8. Re: Dependency on container configurations and JBWS-1992

                        Generally, the container integration lives with the container

                         |_ webservice
                         |_ webservice

                        If we have an issue with the container integration it should be fixed there in a compatible way with already released containers. Then it should be made available in the repository for WS stack consumption and finally must be deployed to all containers were it applies.


                        When you remove the WSEndpointRegistry from all stacks you must make sure that you deploy compatible container integration jars/resources to all supported containers.