1. Re: JBoss3.0.7-Tomcat4.1.24 Bundle and SOAP Services
stasky Oct 24, 2003 11:27 AM (in response to stasky)Hi again!
I can't say that I know to 100% how, but I have managed to have my JBoss running and at the same time be able to look at my SOAP Admin Client over http://localhost:80/soap/admin/index.html (I've changed the port from 8080 to 80).
- First of all, my deployed Web Services didn't exist any more, so I had to deploy a new one. Why did that happen?
- Then I went to http://localhost:80/fibo/index.html, where my App is running, gave some input and pressed the button to get my answer over the Servlet, Bean etc. The problem is, it looks like he hasn't found the SOAP service, as though it is not deployed or as though it is wrongly deployed. So I get a null pointer exception, and if I ask SOAP for some output I get this:
:[Header=null] [methodName=null] [targetObjectURI=null] [encodingStyleURI=null] [SOAPContext=[Parts={[cid:null type: text/xml; charset=utf-8 enc: null]}]] [fault=[Attributes={}] [faultCode=SOAP-ENV:Server.BadTargetObjectURI] [faultString=Unable to resolve target object: buch.kapitel7.soap.BeispielServer_1] [faultActorURI=/soap/servlet/rpcrouter] [DetailEntries=] [FaultEntries=]] [Params={}]
Does anybody know what I have to do?
Do I have to put classes or something else somewhere special in the JBoss directory?
Can somebody help me or should I provide some more information?