Another compile error in the org.jboss.web.tomcat.service.session.JBossManager implementation of the org.apache.catalina.Manager interface is due to the org.apache.catalina.connector.Connector dropping the getEmptySessionPath method. This was being used in the session cookie creation:
public void setNewSessionCookie(String sessionId, HttpServletResponse response) { if (response != null) { Context context = (Context) container_; Connector connector = ((Response)response).getConnector(); if (context.getCookies()) { // set a new session cookie Cookie newCookie = new Cookie(Globals.SESSION_COOKIE_NAME, sessionId); if (log_.isTraceEnabled()) { log_.trace("Setting cookie with session id:" + sessionId + " & name:" + Globals.SESSION_COOKIE_NAME); } String contextPath = null; if (!connector.getEmptySessionPath() && (context != null)) { contextPath = context.getEncodedPath(); } if ((contextPath != null) && (contextPath.length() > 0)) { newCookie.setPath(contextPath); } else { newCookie.setPath("/"); }