1. Re: xdoclet libraries
julien1 May 27, 2004 7:28 AM (in response to jae77)beware this one is used by JBoss modules as well, I would prefer check in a new version of xdoclet thirdparty somewhere else.
I'll do this -
2. Re: xdoclet libraries
jae77 May 27, 2004 9:15 AM (in response to jae77)yeah - i'm aware - i checked out "jboss-head" last night and ran the test suite against the current version of xdoclet, and was going to re-run against the new version this morning.
if you're going to check in elsewhere, that's just as good (and would be a lot quicker).
i've got the necessary changes ready to commit as soon as this is done. do you have an approximate eta? -
3. Re: xdoclet libraries
julien1 May 27, 2004 10:39 AM (in response to jae77)if it runs fine for jboss-head, ask Scott Stark if you can and you could update these instead.
4. Re: xdoclet libraries
jae77 May 27, 2004 11:09 AM (in response to jae77)the first pass at this didn't seem to work. the test results produced using xdoclet 1.2.1 did not match up w/ the results from the current version.
i'm going give this another run through just to make sure i didn't mess anything up.
i remember a while back you were considerring having a seperate thirdparty directory for nukes entirely, perhaps that may be the better way to go in general? -
5. Re: xdoclet libraries
julien1 May 27, 2004 11:13 AM (in response to jae77)yes, so let's switch on a private thirdparty to avoid to messup the jboss-head, I am gonna checkin xdoclet today later
6. Re: xdoclet libraries
jae77 May 27, 2004 11:27 AM (in response to jae77)ok - cool. i'm still going to give it one more shot on my end against the jboss-head and at least report back my findings.
7. Re: xdoclet libraries
julien1 May 27, 2004 3:02 PM (in response to jae77)I have updated the build, you need to do a complete checkout.
8. Re: xdoclet libraries
jae77 May 27, 2004 3:40 PM (in response to jae77)yup! thx for taking care of this!