1. Re: Nukes in French
julien1 Jun 7, 2004 10:50 AM (in response to arnaud.tessier)you are welcome to work on that translation, however there are some things to do before translating : I mean cleaning these files first to remove unused and avoid cross references between the modules resource files. Are you ready to work on that first ? if yes we will give you all the help you need to work on that.
btw the files are located in some_module/src/resources/nukes-xxx-lib-jar/......./Resource_xx_xx.properties -
2. Re: Nukes in French
arnaud.tessier Jun 7, 2004 1:18 PM (in response to arnaud.tessier)OK tell me.
you say "cross references", is that mean there some label define in one module resource file use by another one ?
How work the langage selection ? user pref. or/and global variable ? -
3. Re: Nukes in French
julien1 Jun 7, 2004 2:18 PM (in response to arnaud.tessier)exactly
language selection is based on HTTP headers sent by the browser but this could be changed to something else (like a user preference)