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1. Re: Tag Base in HTML page Header
kamikatze Jul 30, 2004 3:02 AM (in response to arnaud.tessier)Hi!
These tags are hard coded in the class org.jboss.nukes.handler.PageResult.//line 102 // Compute the base, this is a key element of the generated HTML String base = req.getServerBase() + "/"; // Put the head tags head.write("<title>${config:" + Constants.CFG_SITENAME + "} :: ${config:" + Constants.CFG_SLOGAN + "}</title>" + "<base href=\"" + base + "\"/>" + "<link rel=\"shortcut icon\" href=\"${config:" + Constants.CFG_FAVICON + "}\"/>" + "<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=" + charset + "\"/>" + "<meta http-equiv=\"expires\" content=\"0\"/>" + "<meta name=\"keywords\" content=\"${config:" + Constants.CFG_METAKEYWORDS + "}\"/>" + "<meta name=\"description\" content=\"${config:" + Constants.CFG_SLOGAN + "}\"/>" + "<meta name=\"ROBOTS\" content=\"INDEX,FOLLOW\"/>" + "<meta name=\"resource-type\" content=\"document\"/>" + "<meta name=\"author\" content=\"${config:" + Constants.CFG_SLOGAN + "}\"/>" + "<meta name=\"copyright\" content=\"Copyright (c) 2003 by ${config:" + Constants.CFG_SITENAME + "}\"/>" + "<meta name=\"revisit-after\" content=\"1 days\"/>" + "<meta name=\"distribution\" content=\"Global\"/>" + "<meta name=\"generator\" content=\"Nukes on JBoss -\"/>" + "<meta name=\"rating\" content=\"General\"/>);");
The value for Base is computed in NukesImpl:// line 66 this.serverBase = computeServerBase(req.getScheme(), req.getServerName(), req.getServerPort(), req.getContextPath()); ... // line 541 public static String computeServerBase(String scheme, String serverName, int port, String context) { StringBuffer base = new StringBuffer(scheme).append("://").append(serverName); if (port != 80) { base.append(':').append(port); } base.append(context); return base.toString(); }
So if you need to change it, you would need to change Nukes.
Can you tell your reason why you would want to change the server base?
Cheers, Mika -
2. Re: Tag Base in HTML page Header
arnaud.tessier Aug 12, 2004 12:55 PM (in response to arnaud.tessier)Hi,
I want to use a APACHE web server in front of JBOSS AS. To do that, I configure a ProxyPass in Apache. It's work fine for the first page but when I want to follow a link it shows the original URL without go throw the Apache WS.
Any idea !!!!