1. Re: Can users be deleted?
theute Aug 25, 2004 1:50 PM (in response to chasetec)Good question. As of today there is no way to delete a user (neither the admin can or the user himself).
It may be a problem some laws may require that a user can self-unsubscribe with his personal info deleted, but what should we do of the files he put for download, news he submitted, messages in the forum...
Cascading delete is too much i think, it would mean that all his posts and answers by others to his post would be deleted.
userid set to anonymous could be nice. But what i am thinking right now is to have 2 commands:
1) the disable stuff for the admin (that just put the disable flag)
2) a 'delete' action that deletes his email info, ICQ info, address...
The advantages i see are that a disable user can be reenabled while a deleted one can't, in the admin panel the deleted user shouldn't exist, like a zombie in the database.
It would mean adding a 'deleted' flag in the table.
Changing the id to anonymous might be a better idea, actually i like it more :) Plus it solves the right to privacy as all the posts of the guy would become anonymous.
Keeping only the 'disable' option is acceptable situation if someone needs cascading-delete it would be very easy for him to do so.
Just some thoughts to discuss about... -
2. Re: Can users be deleted?
julien1 Aug 25, 2004 2:16 PM (in response to chasetec)the problem with deleting user is the coexistence with other modules, what should be done with post that are related to that user for instance ?
we need to think about it. or think that a user related to something may not exist.
that's why there is enable/disable for a user.
now if you want to delete an user, you can do it in the database, but what about all the post he did in the forum for instance ? the CMP engine will not be able to load the related user because the PK is invalid.
Maybe not delete the row but put the info : enabled/disabled/deleted