3 Replies Latest reply on Aug 31, 2004 11:10 PM by lcavallo

    Nukes 2.0 (newbie question)


      Hi all,

      my apologies if this is the wrong forum for this sort of thing but this was my best guess.

      I'm tasked with building a JDK 1.4.x compatible JBoss/Nukes combination and I'm totally new at this game of ant based builds.

      I've retrieved the nukes 2.0 src (as of 31-aug-2004) from the sourforge cvs repository and the $sh build.sh step starts off okay but fails with an:

      org.apache.xml.serialize does not exist

      and similar errors with this class library. To the best of my understanding, it is trying to resolve the location of methods in the xercesImpl.jar library (is that what you Java jocks call a jar, btw?) but th src tre definitely has (at least) two copies of this.

      Reading the build scripts in the build and tools/bin directory suggsts to me that this may not be a simple CLASSPATH config issue as the tools/bin/ant script appears to nuke the environment copy of CLASSPATH anyway.

      I'm trying this on a SuSE 9.0 system and we have the SunJava 1.4.2 JDK installed.

      Any pointers (or even just a slap on the wrist or two) would be greatly appreciated.

      Yours sincerely,
      Lou Cavallo
      (Work e-mail: lou@complexibotics.com)

        • 1. Re: Nukes 2.0 (newbie question)

          that is in xerces, did you setup the env variable JBOSS_HOME to a JBoss distribution ? I can remove that dependency since I know a way to do it without.

          • 2. Re: Nukes 2.0 (newbie question)

            Thanks for the reply.

            Yes, I have set JBOSS_HOME (it points at the 4.0RC1 binary installation I've installed into /opt/jboss, i.e. I did not compile JBoss from source, and it seems to be running just fine by the way).

            I have also set NUKES_HOME according to the on-line installation instructions for Nukes 1.1 tht I have been using in lieu of 2.0 installation instructions.

            I then cd to $NUKES_HOME/build and try to do the sh build.sh. The build falls over with 74 errors which all seem to be related to apache.org.xml method does not exist type issues.

            (As I was hurried yesterday I failed to mention that I have recently installed a scarab/tomcat installation that expressly mentions it will have trouble with xercesImpl.jar version 2. However I am not running this package yet (email relay issues) and most importantly, I have not changed the standard locations for any tomcat or jboss jars as the scarab instructions suggest).

            And while I am on the subject of my machine's config, the system wide CLASSPATH is empty, as this is essentially a non developer SuSE install.

            Btw, would it make a difference whether I d'load the HEAD src or not? I chose to d'load the "/cvsroot/jboss co nukes-2.0" but I've since read about a HEAD src branch, whatever that is.

            Thanks again for your suggestions.

            Lou Cavallo

            • 3. Re: Nukes 2.0 (newbie question)

              After a bit of nosing around through the scripts and build.xml files I believe I've found the answer to my specific issue.

              The build.xml file in $NUKES_HOME/common seems to want to look for xercesImpl.jar in $JAVA_HOME/lib, however this jar is actually in the $JAVA_HOME/lib/endorsed sub-directory of the JDK 1.4.2 distribution.

              Copying xercesImpl.jar into $JAVA_HOME/lib resolves the "package does not exist " errors when I run the build script in $NUKES_HOMES/build.

              Unfortunately there is a new compile error (something to do with an Abstract Class) but I won't be needing to resolve this as I've been directed to install a JBoss 3.2.x / Nukes 1.1 installation instead.

              Anyway thanks for the help. (The above is by way of a thank you, I hope what I found out helps in some way).

              Lou Cavallo